I checked into the local 146.52 early morning "greyline net" this morning and later I also participated in the "Iron Range net" on 3.919. Good turnout for both nets and it felt good for Me to be back into this Saturday morning routine.
I feel a slow growing excitement as the contest season approches for Me. Friday night while playing on the PC in the shack I listened on 20m to some of the "All Asia" contest activity. Signals were fairly good on My HF6V vertical and momentarily thought of participating but decided not to just because of other obligations.
Next weekend is the ARRL September VHF contest and even though My 6m beam is out of commision, I'm considering a try at this contest. After reading some of the write-ups from the June VHF contest, I mentally kicked Myself for not being involved . Conditions were very good and I think I would have had fun- even with antenna limitations.
I'll watch propagation this week to make My decision. Course it could change depending on family obligations. If I do operate, it will be a good time to do several small projects down here between QSO's. I really need to get ready for the upcoming RTTY contest at the end of September.
Have a safe and fun Labor Day Weekend! Think of the working people!!
Does it Actually Affect You Personally?
11 hours ago
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