When I was originally licensed as an Amateur Radio Operator and was granted 10m privledges, I tried to check into a local net . Tried was the key word because all the Television's in the house had instant ,.terrible TVI. My dipole happened to have one leg within several feet of Our Satellite Tv receiver. After some experimentation and checking with a few local Hams, came up with a easy solution--power down the Transmitter to 10w. Worked OK until I eventually ran a run of Heliax to a vertical 150' from the house and used that for 10m- full power! Eventually the dipole leg was moved and that really resolved the TVI issue.
Fast forward to the present and the need for a external HD TV antenna. I had always used an antenna in the attic for over the air channels but not being useable for HD prompted a total change. I decided to mount a new HD flat panel on top of the garage. It wasn't close to My Ham antennas so I figured I was safe. I also needed to amplify it at the garage end and even with several legs in the house-- yes, several TV's and distance between basement and two stories of My house. I also split and combine the over the air signals and the TV2 output of the Satellite receiver which is actually analog channel 44. Complicated enough to require a diagram so I'll remember the layout in the future!!
All was great until having QSO's on 2m FM. TVI reared it's ugly head. I powered back the radio to 25w which I thought was working OK to alliviate the problem but it just improved things slightly. Lots of snow and no audio on both over the air and satellite! What to do? All the options of moving antennas just was not practical. The TVI problem was only affecting the upstairs TV-- the last one on the feed. I also noticed the picture was a little fuzzy indicating lower signal. I don't have a spare amplifier but I decided to try about 8 slip on ferrite cores on the RG-6 cable by the affected TV. The inside diameter was big enough to loop the cable thru a second time. Now when I transmitted , audio was OK and just a little bit of snow. Good enough until I acquire an amplifier to add in the feed from the basement.
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11 hours ago
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