I finished assembling both homemade interfaces- the original interface needed the FSK keying circuit added and the new interface needed final assembly. For the FSK keying and in fact all PTT keying circuits I use Opto-isolators. The old interface had no room on the original circuit board so I added a very small universal board with the opto IC,resistor and LED indicator. I did need to add addtional wiring thru My RS232 switchbox and another wire pair to the radio Din connector.
The new box is strictly for the Kenwood TS-850 and I just needed to finish mounting parts and adding all the wiring interconnects. This interface turned out OK, although I would like to have added level control for the transmit to the radio and PTT inhibit ( simple switch). Ran out of parts and wanted to finish-maybe a future addition.
The older modified interface is for both Yaesu radios and after hooking it back up was disappointed to not see hardly any activity on "Digipan"-although the radio was hopping with PSK signals!
This PC has had several upgrades and upon remembering this I went back to square one to set it up. I needed to go thru the Config menu to setup waterfall,transmit and com ports.The setting for the waterfall Soundcard settings was using the mic input instead of line in. Now I had signals and was ready to try RTTY . I use MMTTY and a good tutorial to set up this program is online at AA5AU's website. I highly recommend it! Since the settings vary alot depending on radio and interface, I won't go into detail except to note for FSK keying, make sure follow the FSK setup and not the AFSK!! Now I was decoding the "diddles" and could hear the shifting tones on transmit, something I could not hear before setting up MMTTY for FSK keying.
Next I wanted to try the interface for the Kenwood radio and everything appeared OK except all I've been able to decode thru Digipan is garbage characters. Not trusting My interface, I hooked it to a laptop and right away had good characters. I've had issues with bad soundcards and drivers so this will be My next step.....but now the weekend is almost over so time to focus on the work week ahead. Remember-next weekend is ARRL RTTY RU!!!
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