Friday, January 1, 2016

The last chicken

Our last chicken is gone. She was a white speckled Sussex named Marshmellow and was about eight years old. She had been the lone bird left since July and during the warmer months followed Me around when I was outside doing chores. She would even enter the pole building looking for Me thru the small service door. Towards evening when it was time to roost I would whistle and She would come running to the coop.We had talked about finding a place for Her since We believed loneliness would be a problem but She didn't seem too bothered by lack of companionship.
We have always enjoyed watching Our flock roam the yard catching bugs and just generally being care free birds. I suppose keeping them exclusively in the protection of the fenced chicken run would have kept all of them safe but would have detracted from Our and their enjoyment. Predators have been a huge problem at our rural location and have been bad enough at times to force Us to keep the remaining birds lock up for many weeks.We have been lucky not to lose a single bird inside the protection of the fenced in run until now! Several days ago a weasel managed to get inside and our last bird is now history.
It has been an experience good and bad raising birds. Loved the fresh eggs! Hated losing our pets to predators and old age. A good experience for the sturdy of heart ! :) I will say the birds antics made Me laugh many times and a chicken allowed to be semi free will exhibit a surprising personality and intelligence most people say they don't have! They be wrong!
73 and Happy New Year
I pray for peace but that seems
impossible for the Human race!

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