The conditions this year were amazing. I actually made QSO's at 29.3 MHZ and there were stations from 28.3 all the way to 29.3 on the 10m band. I only spent a short amount of time on 15 and 20m because 10m was so much fun but I'm getting ahead of Myself. I seemed jinxed for the CQ contests this year- first the September RTTY contest,one of My favorites and I have equipment issues after the first night. Then this contest-- I ended having contracted a terrible head and chest cold Thursday night. My throat was on fire and it was actually painful to talk all weekend! So ,yes tough to talk and trying to participate in a voice contest!
I did participate in shifts when able to speak and when not needing to lie down :( The 10m band was too active to miss so I did manage numerous on and off times the whole weekend although I apologize to the far end for My gravely voice and I'm thankful they could decipher My information.
This is the first contest when I've actually felt like a big gun contest station even with My meager antenna's. I used mostly My 10m Yagi which is at about 20 feet because My ground mounted vertical was just not as loud! I pointed the Yagi towards Europe and the signals rolled in. Later towards South America and even eventually towards Japan. What a neat feeling to break thru pile ups although I also gave up on some rare ones too.
Some new DXCC's were the Mariana Islands,Guam,Ceut-Melilla,Serbia,Gurnsey,El Salvador and the Marquesas Islands. Several I hope are LOTW users so I can have more confirmed DXCC's. My Final score was only around 50,000 points but still better than I hoped considering how sick I was the whole weekend. I hope these conditions are continue thru December for the 10m contest.
PS-- in the AM portion of the 10m band (which is just suggested ,not enforced!) I answered a CQ from a station and some Ham broke in and called US "A**Hole" contesters!All of Us contesters tend to forget the other Hams who don't enjoy contest weekends. Mmmmm :((
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11 hours ago
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