I usually have QSL additions for EQSL and LOTW weekly but have very few direct mailed QSLs even though I specify in QRZ I will respond to direct mailed QSL cards. Last week in the mail I received a card from W7WLL for a contact in November of 2010 on 20m SSB.Being slightly interested in the time from the original QSL till now I checked His QRZ biography. He indicated the practice of sending a direct QSL card for all new callsigns contacted! Obviously not a Contestor! It is an interesting practice to acknowledge new calls and very nice to be on the receiving end! If He is very active on the air, might explain the time spread from date of contact till now.His card from Me was in the mail Yesterday!
I have to admit I still enjoy receiving QSL cards direct mail.Its very expensive to send this way and I really appreciate EQSL and LOTW for the monetary savings! On the other hand- the US Postal service could certainly use the business!!
PS-- also had a chance to add VK2FAAU -Australia on 10m as DXCC contact #97 but missed South Cook Islands- E51JD ! Need QRO!!
Does it Actually Affect You Personally?
11 hours ago
Chuckle! It is called finding I missed a few pages in an older log book. Sorry it was so late. Still practice what I say. It is a little expensive, but what the heck!