I finally was able to help My Nephew with his antenna project. He already had installed a Hustler 6BTV ground mounted vertical and did very well! Coax to the shack, radials and even guyed it. He assembled it to the dimensions in the DX engineering guide but it would not tune using the Kenwood 850 auto tuner. So I brought My MFJ antenna analyzer and We soon determined it was resonant below all the amateur bands. This was actually not bad news since this probably meant as a unit-antenna,radials,coax and grounds were working well. If it showed resonance all bands with no adjustment I would suspect an issue. A ground mounted vertical in aperfect world will have an impedance around 32 ohms- so will never show a perfect SWR when its working well. Resonance is another matter-- adjusting the slip tube distance from the trap only fine tuned it up a bit so We next tried adjusting the trap location. This did bring it upwards within the bands but at the CW portion for all but 10 and 15m. Since We wanted the voice part, more adjustment was needed but I was on a time frame and was already late.
I left but assured him I'd be back-- He also has now aquired a external tuner so He can tune the antenna although on several bands its a compromised setting. We have tried 75 and 40m to contact each other but only slight whispers on 75 were heard. The bands have not been good early evening but might improve for a better QSO.
I'm happy with Our progress but can't wait till I can help bring the other bands into better tuning range.
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11 hours ago
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