Wednesday, July 10, 2024

13 colonies special event 2024

  This special event started on July 1st and ended July 8th--plenty of time to chase the colony stations and also the three bonus ones. This year I managed to contact four stations the first day and kept adding several during most of the following days. I even contacted WM3PEN bonus station on July 4th. I watched several stations operate mostly FT8 and CW and was wondering if I would have a chance for a contact with voice and eventually, I did manage all 13 colony stations for the clean sweep. I was lucky with the last one and heard them as I was dialing through 20m and contacted them before they were spotted.

 This is always a fun event to follow and again the operators did a great job with pile ups! It's a huge time commitment and I very much appreciate the time required to make this a success.



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