I haven't even tried chasing the FT5ZM Dxexpedition till this weekend. Saturday morning I heard them on 14.185 listening up at 14.245 ? What's up with that?? Anyway couldn't break the pileup with my measly 100w into my ground mounted vertical and as the morning wore on they faded away. They ran some RTTY on several bands but I was busy with chores and just couldn't take the time then. I figured I would have later and even Sunday to try again. I was wrong since the bands tanked in the far north and I only was hearing whispers on any band so FT5ZM is not going to happen for me. Sad face but a bright spot- the last time a Dxexpedition was in that part of the world I never even heard a whisper! My antennas are definitely better. A little power might do the trick or just more time to chase- I guess they are QRT sometime tomorrow!
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8 hours ago