Tuesday, December 14, 2021

ARRL 10m contest 2021

 This contest started at 0000 UTC December 11- Friday night at 6 pm CST. I listened for a while but no signals heard , not even any local ground wave so turned off radio till Saturday. The next day wasn't much better with one DX and several local stations but Sunday morning some signals started breaking thru so I logged a few till Church time and by time I was able to get back in the shack later afternoon, only little whispers were heard in the background of the static.

  When 10m propagation is good this contest is a hoot! This year either I was not in the shack or no major openings happened during most of My listening time. The small opening on the voice section of 10m wasn't great in the far north. I did tune down to the CW band during the opening and more signals were heard. Oh well- I entered as SSB only non- assisted which is My normal entry. I mainly wanted to submit a log for the contest group I'm a member of which they were trying to break an old log submitted total. I haven't heard if we bypassed the old record.


Friday, November 26, 2021

Inverted "L" antenna trouble

 During the sweepstakes contest I tried an early morning S & P on 160m but my usual antenna, an Inverted "L" was not tuning at all so I switched to My big 260' dipole and used that one instead. After the contest was over, I decided to try and fix the "L" antenna. This antenna has a coax switch and tuner inside the shack before it changes to RG-8 coax for the run outside to a weatherproof box where it transitions to #12 insulated wire and ground radials. I also have an RG-8 balun inline there too.

 I thought the problem was probably at the box/transition point but decided since the shack is nice and warm to start troubleshooting inside first. I'm glad I did because disconnecting the RG-8 and testing with My analyzer towards the outdoors showed an antenna tuned to 1.810 MHz like designed for. Problem is in the shack so I next put the analyzer inline on the tuner output towards the RG-8 transition. Bingo!! Problem area found and looking closer I realized I still had a temporary jumper of RG-58 from the tuner to the outside feed.I replaced this with a proper jumper and now it tunes just fine. The antenna works and sounds as good as first installed!

 I repaired the jumper on my work bench--bad shield solder connection and added it to My spare jumper collection. I also found my Heil Pro set microphone adapter and did a test to make sure it works. Now I'm ready for the next contest.


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

ARRL sweepstakes SSB 2021

 This contest started Saturday at 3 pm CST and would end at 9 pm CST Sunday. I never plan for that much chair time -usually 8 hrs or less and this contest was no different. I did attempt to operate early morning-about 5 am on Sunday but was disappointed to find My inverted "L" antenna was not working. My big dipole tuned up okay but the noise level was high but I did manage some contacts on 75m before switching to 40m.

 I was little disappointed to never hear any activity on 10m but luckily 15m had several openings which My vertical ground mounted HF6V performed very well. It also played nice on 40m so between 15 and 40m this is where most of My contacts happened. I've usually found 20m to have a lot of activity but this also seems to be the band with the high powered stations so my little 100w has a difficult time being heard.

 This contest has a long exchange which can be difficult to complete but it also makes it an interesting challenge. One station out west was having a tough time completing my call but then replied the full call of mine with the statement " N0UJJ -thought I should know that call" so we have worked several contests before.--nice!  I also slipped in to work W1AW through a medium pile up.

 I am satisfied with the result for time committed to this contest- 108 QSOs,49 sections for a total of 10,584. Fun time -now I need to fix one antenna and find the adapter for My Heil microphone which I didn't use during this contest.


Friday, November 5, 2021

More camera pictures

Spike buck,possible mountain lion ,wish its tail was shown but its ears look like a previous mountain lion picture caught on same game camera. I included the racoons because I haven't seen 3-4 on the camera before.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

CQ WW SSB contest 2021

 I had several issues with software and equipment which kept Me from participating in the RTTY part of this contest in September so I was anxious for the October SSB contest. I updated N1MM logger and also made sure My TSQL certificate for LOTW was also up to date. My equipment is My old standby Yaesu FT-950 at 100w into a Butternut HF-6v ground mounted vertical for 40,20 and 15m and a 10m mono bander at 25 feet for 10m. 

   I started this contest at 0000 UTC but only was able to operate for a while before Our kids showed up. We haven't had a chance to catch up on their work life and other subjects so after a very enjoyable several hours it also was time for shut eye for Me. I would have on and off times thru the weekend to contest and luckily conditions were good with 15m and 10m open most of the contest.

  I soon decided 10m was My band of choice- a directional horizontal antenna in the air offered a more enjoyable contest effort. My vertical antenna has good ears but for most of the contest it was a struggle to be heard. It might be because of high powered stations at the far end and My small 100w signal return to try to make contact but a bean and 10m propagation levels the playing field.

 Sunday found me trying to fill in some easy north american zones on 40m and other bands which get forgotten during the DX zone chasing. I don't think any new DXCC were added and I missed several like South Africa I heard but couldn't break the pileups but that was okay.Maybe next time. I ended with 117 contacts,33 zones between the bands worked for a score of 26,292. 

  I'm looking forward to the ARRL 10m contest in December and hope propagation is as good as it was this weekend.



Saturday, October 30, 2021

Night time game camera pictures

 Bobcat and fox. camera also shows many birds and squirrels during the day and Deer all day long. Fun to capture all the activity we don't normally see.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Game camera Pictures from August 2021


                                                several black bear
                                               and a mountain lion I believe.One was recently seen in the area so maybe it was passing through here too.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Hamshack Flourescent light replacement

 This flourescent light fixture was old when I installed it 28 years ago so it was time to be replaced. I hadn't thought much about any of the five shop lights I have in the Hamshack till one bulb failed in this fixture and I started thinking about an LED light replacement. Research on LED shop lights showed several options, bulb replacement with fixture modification and an integrated design which the latter is the one I chose. My old fluorescent fixtures were not good candidates for retrofit so a new fixture was the best option.

 The next decision was selecting the correct light output, color temperature and CRI (color rendering index). The light output from my original 2 bulb fixture was about 4000 lumens and the new one I picked was 4500. the old fixture color temperature was lower on the spectrum-almost incandescent like but these are not as readily available unless buying a switchable color temperature fixture so I settled on a 4000k model.It is very bright white but for a workbench it is okay. The last option was CRI and the recommended. is 80 or above which I did buy.
 Installation was easy and new fixture is very bright so the next one I might try the adjustable so I can have a more mellow yellow light for casual work . It was definitely time to replace the old!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Antenna repairs


After the 13 colonies special event was over I decided to finish the fix on the Butternut HF6V antenna. I first needed to clean up the base because of the weeds and junk that had grown around the area where it was too close to use the gas lawn trimmer for fear of cutting ground wires and feedline. After manually cleaning this area up I started on the Heliax to RG-11 transition by first totally disconnecting the matching stub and taking it to the shack to solder and fix both coax and antenna connections. I reconnected both ends and covered antenna ring lugs and bolt connections with Sanchem no-ox grease to help keep connections from rusting . I also recoated over the vinyl tape around the  lugs with liquid electrical tape and then turned My attention to the coax transition. I first used mastic tape to keep the vinyl tape glue from direct contact with the connectors and then covered that with first super 88 vinyl,then coax seal tape and then coated entire area with liquid elcetrical tape and let dry. After it was dry I taped entire area to a coffee can to keep it off the ground.                                                     
I should mention i also went inside the shack and tested each of these steps to make sure the antenna connections were still good. Would be no fun to finish and need to cut into tape and seal to fix. I also took this opportunity to refurbish the guys and poles used to attach the guys. After this I went through each band and tested and recorded results using the MFJ antenna analyzer. All bands look good!
I also needed to work on My 260' dipole and replace rope at both ends and at one end it needed to be anchored higher.I'm not so young any more so I enlisted the aid of My wife to hold extension ladder and by My ground assist person. That job also went well and antenna tested good. I should be ready for the upcoming winter months with two reliable antennas!!

Saturday, July 10, 2021

13 Colonies special Event 2021


 This event started July 1st at 8:00 am CST and continued until July 7th at 11:00 pm CST so plenty of time to participate. The 13 colony states are typically on air from morning till late evening using voice, CW and digital modes. Three extra stations are also part of this event-WM3PEN in Philadelphia, GB13COL from Great Britain and a new one this year--TM13COL from France. The two European stations will be difficult for my little station because of my limitation of voice only. No digital connectivity to my win10 pc yet and I'm not a CW guy as a poor 5 wpm is not doable for this type of participation.

 My first successful contact was with K2M from Pennsylvania at 18:52 July 1st on 20 meters and I managed several more the first day. This pattern continued for several days as I added more of the 13 colonies to the log but had no luck with the three bonus stations. Truthfully I hardly saw the WM3PEN station on the air as often as the others although it might have been on when I wasn't in the shack. The weather outside was nice so time in the shack was between yard work and other chores.

 By the last 24 hours I only needed K2I- New Jersey for a cleen sweep of the 13 colonies. Early morning of the 7th I was on the local simplex net when I saw K2I spotted on 40m so after last round on the net I tuned to 40m and K2I was not strong but also not too busy. I transmitted my call and He came back with "who is the N0?" and I completed the QSO and He was in the log. Clean Sweep!!

 In conclusion I'm very glad I spent the time to fix even temporarily my vertical antenna- most contacts were on this antenna except for a short 10m opening when I switched to my mono bander. As usual the operators were patient and superb and it seemed even the pile ups were not too unruly. My check for the certificate is already in the mail after another fun, successful special event!



Monday, July 5, 2021

Butternut HF6v antenna trouble

 I struggled with this ground mounted vertical having an intermittent problem over the last winter until it finally totally failed. The upcoming 13 colony special event was just ahead so I decided to fix this issue. My original installation was over 10 years ago and it had lasted very reliably until recently. I used Andrews LDF-50a heliax  run on the ground to the  RG-11 matching stub and at that connection I had weatherproofed  it with first mastic tape and then scotch 88 and finally coax seal. This connection I taped to a coffee can to keep it off the ground.  

  The coax transition is where I assumed the problem is so this is where I carefully cut through the coax seal and tape to reveal a nice shiny female "N" connector and brass heliax "N" connector. The RG-11 "N" connector came apart with a gentle tug. Problem found !! With a little patience I was able to temporarily put this connection back together to test. The center pin solder had failed for some reason--maybe not good to begin with?? This RG-11 had this connector on before I used it so who knows!

  The temperature outside was getting very uncomfortable so I decided to leave this temporary until later and just tape a bag around it for now. It tested very good with the antenna analyzer and when i hooked it back up to the radio the signals where great. I believe I'm now ready for 13 colony special event. I will do a write up of my endeavours!


 This was written in June!

Tuesday, June 8, 2021


 Our sweet Bella was about 4 years old when we adopted Her from the shelter. She immediately settled into Our household and let our cats know who was in charge. We also said her behavior was a little ruff and not exactly lady like but she became our much beloved fur kid in time. The next 12 years she made us laugh and appreciate her superb awareness of her surroundings through her sensitive nose and hearing abilities. Typical of most dogs she liked routine and having her people close by.
  Bella became my exercise buddy when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. We had many frequent walks and later as she slowed down they became smell journeys. She also was my constant companion after I retired and during the recent lockdown of the Covid pandemic.
  Life is always too short for a beloved pet and so too with Bella. Her old age health issues at 16 years old became too much for her and us so in April we had to say good bye. We are getting use to the new normal of losing our last pet. It is quiet and many simple tasks trigger a Bella memory but We will always be grateful for her life spent with us. We loved her very much. Goodbye Bella your not forgotten!!