Sunday, June 30, 2013

Poor HF conditions

The above pictures say it all--A index of 22 and K index at 6. Poor,poor conditions from 160m thru 10m.
Several HF nets on Saturday morning were almost impossible to participate in. This doesn't happen too often and I'm glad it wasn't during one of the many contests I participate in.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Summer Busy Time

So far I've not had much time to operate, other than Fied Day and several occasional contacts. Speaking of Field Day, I was able to spend some time giving out contacts as a 1D station. I made less than 50 contacts but it was fun  anyway and had several interesting QSO's. One surprised Me by giving a 29A class-29A??. I questioned this and they confirmed it.Wow! Later I saw a video on YouTube  showing the operation of W3AO thru the years. Interesting-some years they had many more than 29 transmitters-incredible!! YouTube is a great resource to see what other Hams and clubs are doing around the World.Many of these are Hams I've worked so its extra cool.
 I've also attempted to participate in the local area 144.240 SSb net on wednesday nights at 8:00 CST but Summer conditions have made it tough. Too many leaves maybe? Oh well maybe this Winter I'll have better luck.
 I also finally did some QSL paperwork by filling out requests I received in March from the Bureau and sending them out to the ARRL outgoing bureau. I'm part of the "slow" people complain about when using the bureau-LOL
  Thats about it for now- its raining outside-again-- jeez,enough already. Although it could be worse- temperatures here have been moderate although the bugs are really bad. Summer!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

June VHF contest and other happenings

I did a very part time effort during the 2013 ARRL June VHF contest and managed to miss the small openings-oh well. Saturday was only some locals on 2 and 6m and no contacts on 432 which surprised Me. My 6m antenna selection is limited to antennas not cut for 6m-- a vertical,10m yagi and a G5RV. The G5RV ended up being the antenna of choice- it tunes well and reception is better although I didn't have any real openings while I was listening. I think I did miss some propagation Sunday morning but I was at Church. My score was very low with only several 6m distance contacts but while I was on was fun.
  A less fun time the week before was attending a funeral for Russ -KC9MEO. We have known each other thru Ham Radio, chatting during local nets and 2m FM and SSB. He also was on HF and I heard Him making contacts ,vying for the same DX as Me--fun!He could fix anything mechanical and electrical and will be missed by all . 73s Russ!

thats all for now-- Summer has finally arrived in the Northland and projects are sprouting outside- LOL

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Mauritania confirmed for #96

Today 5T0SP confirmed in LOTW Our QSO on 40m SSB during December of 2012. I actually worked them on three bands and was very excited to have this confirmation for #96 DXCC. What a great Hobby!

PS- I also just received My FCC license renewal- now I'm good until 2023! I applied online ,was approved the next day and several days later the postman delivered new license! Who says the Government is slow?!?! Thanks Uncle Sam-- Maybe My previous patriotic post helped :))

Sunday, June 2, 2013

virus removed!

My AVG anti-virus program removed 25 instances of this Malware on My PC. I have no idea how it happened to find its way here since I don't do much browsing and I'm very careful with emails. Now its been quarantined and I haven't observed and more problems.
 Been a busy weekend so no time for radio pursuits. I hope to participate in next weekends VHF contest.