After last weekends RTTY contest I realized I had finally contacted the state of Wyoming- twice!! I didn't realize this operator was also a Log Book of the World user. Imagine my surprise when checking My LOTW awards , it showed all 50 states. Its always a dilemna when I realize a contact will never be confirmed unless i go to extra measures. Maybe that would make all confirmed contacts sweeter-- that's what all Hams seeking awards had to do in the old days.
Why was Wyoming difficult ? Voice and RTTY both show 45 and 46 confirmed- the mixing of the two filled the holes for the Basic award. Hawaii and Alaska were confirmed a while ago but i guess Wyoming just doesn't have the percentage of active Hams. No matter-- Award has been applied for and greenbacks sent on their merry way--- money's been sent!!
PS- From the last post-- found out a of group Guys operating from the Woods out east were signing "Bambi" making it have a whole new meaning!!-LOL
Baseline Shifts in Amateur Radio Biases
2 days ago