I've used scanners for a long time at home, from old crystal controlled units to newer easy frequency entry analog ones. When police, fire, EMS and other agencies migrated to trunking , both analog and digital communications, I still monitored many frequencies but missed the easy access to other agency communications.
When I was still working full time I had access to a Uniden bearcat trunking scanner but it was not programmed. I spent after hours time learning how to program it for both ARMER and WISCOM channels-- Minnesota and Wisconsin statewide systems. It was fun and interesting to learn programming this scanner but very time consuming and I always thought I was missing some agencies.
After retirement I checked into a trunking capable scanner for home use but the price was always an obstacle to purchasing one. I recently decided the price was low enough to buy the Uniden Home Patrol 2 scanner. The specifications mentioned both Apco-25 phase 1 and 2 capability, EDACS, LTR, conventional analog and P25 digital channels. We do not have any Apco phase 2 systems in the area yet but maybe eventually.
The postal service delivered the package last week and I've spent some time setting it up and learning its quirks. I will post later what I've learnt and My thoughts about its capabilities.