After My nice suprise from the Zero bureau, I took some time to go thru the QSL cards and determined which needed return cards.Some I had already exchanged with but some were from Hams asking for return confirmation. Oldest card was from a QSO from 2010! Patience is much needed but the cost is just right!:)
I also took some time to examine My recent log and pick some contacts I would like a card from. Some I bypassed because they only wanted direct mail or even money. Bureau members and QSL managers are My preferred mail options unless its a Dxpedition or very rare. Then I'll send direct!
I'm an ARRL member and the cost to send thru their Outgoing QSL bureau is very affordable. Twenty cards is three dollars-a great deal.
I enjoy exchanging QSL cards but I can't imagine just that option for verifying new DXCC's. Very glad for LOTW and EQsl.
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